Problem-Based Learning & Scientific Inquiry in Introductory Biology
  Teaching through Civic Engagement
PI - John S. Peters, College of Charleston, Department of Biology
Co-PI - Brian Scholtens, College of Charleston, Department of Biology

PBL Instructor Resource Library Index
This index organizes teaching resources by topic-related issue and provides teaching resources (case studies, problems, videos, articles, activities, and other resources) which can be used to to facilitate the teaching of introductory non-majors biology using Problem or Case Studies Based Learning. 

Note that the "Teaching Notes" pages that are provided with most case studies and problems referenced in this library index come with a bibliography of articles and web sites relevant to the issues addressed in the problem.  You will have to subscribe to the National Center for Case Studies Teaching in Science, and the University of Delaware's Problem-based Clearninghouse to get access to parts of the teaching notes pages.

Nature of  Science
Genetics Molecular Biology
Cell Respiration
Evolutionary Biology Ecology Biotechnology & Bioethics
Animal Behavior
Anatomy & Physiology
Diseases/Immune System

Biology Topic

Topic-related Issues
Click on an issue to go directly to a detailed summary of available

teaching resourses (articles, videos, case studies, problems etc...)
Topic Related Teaching Resources
These are engaging activities that can be used in class to
facilitate learning of biological concepts/principals/theories.
Characterisitics of Life
Nature of Science
Molecular Biology
  • Condensation Rummy - a card game which engages students in learning organic monomers and polymers. 
Cellular Respiration
  • Cellular Respiration PowerPoint Tutorial - tired of lecturing about that which students can read on their own?  Have students view this interactive tutorial as they read the text.  Tutorial comes with thought questions, and other activities which will help students to organize and elaborate on knowledge from the reading.  This frees up class time to allow for activities which ask students to elaborate on, and apply knowledge to the problem or case!
  • Voyage to the Center of a Mitochondrion - This activity is designed to engage students in a metaphorical "voyage" to the mitochondrion (or chloroplasts) involved in cellular respiration (photosynthesis).  During the activity, students adopt various molecular and chemical roles, and literally act out the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis or the electron transport chains (chemiosmotic ATP generation) of cellular respiration.   Students are then challenged to act out these processes under varying cellular or environmental conditions (low oxygen, nutrient deficiencies etc...).  The activity closes with team-based activity in which students work collaboratively to generate graphical predictions (or interpret data) regarding the effects of cellular manipulations akin to those that were used when scientists were working to elucidate the nature of these metabolic processes.
  • Photosynthesis PowerPoint Tutorial - tired of lecturing about that which students can read on their own?  Have students view this interactive tutorial as they read the text.  Tutorial comes with thought questions, and other activities which will help students to organize and elaborate on knowledge from the reading. This frees up class time to allow for activities which ask students to elaborate on, and apply knowledge to the problem or case!
  • Voyage to the Center of a Chloroplast - see description in Cell Respiration section.
Evolutionary Biology

Bioethics & Biotechnology
Animal Behavior
Anatomy & Physiology
Disease/Immune System